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Day 6 - Guard Gallivant


Today the goal is tracking a guard that is going on a patrol route and turning right every time he encounters an obstacle, until he is off the grid.

Link To The Code On GitHub

The given input is a map with the location of the guard marked as ^, obstacles marked as # and every other location is open and marked with .

Part 1 - Simple Path Tracing

The output for part 1 needs to be the amount of positions he visits(visiting the same position twice doesn’t count).
With a little debugging, I wrote this simple path tracing algorithm:

// real input is 131x130(including line break), example is 11x10
const WIDTH: usize = 131;
// const WIDTH: usize = 11;
const HEIGHT: usize = WIDTH - 1;
const TOTAL_SIZE: usize = WIDTH * HEIGHT;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Direction {

#[aoc(day6, part1, first)]
pub fn part1_first(input: &[u8]) -> u32 {
    let mut count = 1u32;
    let mut visited = [false; TOTAL_SIZE];
    let mut location = input.iter().position(|&c| c == b'^').unwrap();
    let mut direction = Direction::Up;
    visited[location] = true;
    loop {
        let (new_location, new_direction) = match direction {
            Direction::Up => {
                if location <= WIDTH {
                    return count;
                (location - WIDTH, Direction::Right)
            Direction::Down => {
                if location >= TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH {
                    return count;
                (location + WIDTH, Direction::Left)
            Direction::Left => {
                if location % WIDTH == 0 {
                    return count;
                (location - 1, Direction::Up)
            Direction::Right => {
                if location % WIDTH == WIDTH - 1 {
                    return count;
                (location + 1, Direction::Down)
        if input[new_location] == b'#' {
            direction = new_direction;
        } else {
            location = new_location;
            if !visited[location] {
                count += 1;
                visited[location] = true;

At each iteration, I’m checking if he is about to go off-grid, if he is return the current count.
Otherwise, there are 2 options: he can either continue in the same direction, changing the position, or turn, changing the direction.
Then I simply handle both cases and make sure to not count the same location twice.
And that’s part 1 done.

Part 2 - Creating Loops

For part 2, the output must be the amount of unique positions an obstacle can be added to in order for the guard to get stuck in a loop.
The simplest solution is to add a temporary obstacle at each step, and check if continuing will enter a loop.
The loop detection looks almost identical to the full part 1 solution with a couple changes:

To track the direction the guard is going, I turned the visited array to be a u8 array and used a few bitwise operations.
I’m using the last 4 bits of each to store directions: if the 8th bit is up, that location has been visited in the up direction, if the 7th, down, and so on.
To achieve this I put u8 values to the Direction enum:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Direction {
    Up = 1,
    Down = 2,
    Left = 4,
    Right = 8,

So now I can mark a direction as visited using visited[location] |= direction as u8 and check if a direction was visited using visited[location] & direction as u8 != 0.
The lines changed from the part 1 solution are marked, new_obstacle is passed as the temporary obstacle that is being considered:

fn check_loop(
    input: &[u8],
    mut location: usize,
    mut direction: Direction,
    new_obstacle: usize,
) -> bool {
    let mut visited = [0u8; TOTAL_SIZE];
    visited[location] = direction as u8;
    loop {
        let (new_location, new_direction) = match direction {
            Direction::Up => {
                if location <= WIDTH {
                    return false;
                (location - WIDTH, Direction::Right)
            Direction::Down => {
                if location >= TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH {
                    return false;
                (location + WIDTH, Direction::Left)
            Direction::Left => {
                if location % WIDTH == 0 {
                    return false;
                (location - 1, Direction::Up)
            Direction::Right => {
                if location % WIDTH == WIDTH - 1 {
                    return false;
                (location + 1, Direction::Down)
        if (new_location == new_obstacle) || (input[new_location] == b'#') {
            direction = new_direction;
        } else if (visited[new_location] & (direction as u8)) != 0 {
            return true;
        } else {
            location = new_location;
            visited[location] |= direction as u8;

Part 2 is also fairly similar to part 1, but I had a couple mistakes that made me stare at the code for a while.
Since it worked on the example and not the real input, it was very hard to debug.
I even considered the cases where an obstacle can create a loop from multiple directions, but should only count once.
So here’s a challenge to the reader, find the 2 logic bugs in this code(assume check_loop works correctly, which it does):

#[aoc(day6, part2, first)]
pub fn part2_first(input: &[u8]) -> u32 {
    let mut possible_obstacles = [false; TOTAL_SIZE];
    let mut count = 0u32;
    let mut location = input.iter().position(|&c| c == b'^').unwrap();
    let mut direction = Direction::Up;
    loop {
        // the guard will either continue to new_location, or turn to new_direction
        let (new_location, new_direction) = match direction {
            Direction::Up => {
                if location <= WIDTH {
                    return count;
                (location - WIDTH, Direction::Right)
            Direction::Down => {
                if location >= TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH {
                    return count;
                (location + WIDTH, Direction::Left)
            Direction::Left => {
                if location % WIDTH == 0 {
                    return count;
                (location - 1, Direction::Up)
            Direction::Right => {
                if location % WIDTH == WIDTH - 1 {
                    return count;
                (location + 1, Direction::Down)
        if input[new_location] == b'#' {
            direction = new_direction;
        } else {
            location = new_location;
            if let Some(new_obstacle) = match direction {
                Direction::Up if location >= WIDTH => Some(location - WIDTH),
                Direction::Down if location < TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH => Some(location + WIDTH),
                Direction::Left if location % WIDTH != 0 => Some(location - 1),
                Direction::Right if location % WIDTH != WIDTH - 1 => Some(location + 1),
                _ => None,
            } {
                if !possible_obstacles[new_obstacle]
                    && check_loop(input, location, direction, new_obstacle)
                    possible_obstacles[new_obstacle] = true;
                    count += 1;

Do not scroll further if you want to find them yourself.


After a while of staring mostly at the loop detection code(which had no bugs), I finally found the 2 mistakes:

So the new section under the match statement looks like this:

        if input[new_location] == b'#' {
            direction = new_direction;
        } else {
            location = new_location;
        cant_place[location] = true;
        if let Some(new_obstacle) = match direction {
            Direction::Up if location >= WIDTH => Some(location - WIDTH),
            Direction::Down if location < TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH => Some(location + WIDTH),
            Direction::Left if location % WIDTH != 0 => Some(location - 1),
            Direction::Right if location % WIDTH != WIDTH - 1 => Some(location + 1),
            _ => None,
        } {
            if !cant_place[new_obstacle] && check_loop(input, location, direction, new_obstacle) {
                cant_place[new_obstacle] = true;
                count += 1;

And this finally solves part 2.


Once again I’ll benchmark using the CPU clock locked to the base 2.6Ghz.
The initial times are:

Day6 - Part1/first      time:   [16.628 µs 16.670 µs 16.720 µs]
Day6 - Part2/first      time:   [13.697 ms 13.714 ms 13.734 ms]

My first attempt was using a BitArr(from the bitvec crate) for the visited array, since an array of bools tends to be inefficient.
The only code changes required were the construction of visited, and using set or get_mut to modify it, instead of normal indexing.

Day6 - Part1/bitvec     time:   [16.045 µs 16.223 µs 16.511 µs]
Day6 - Part2/bitvec     time:   [13.717 ms 13.771 ms 13.829 ms]

Slightly faster for 1, no change in 2.

I don’t have any other ideas for part 1 so I’ll focus on part 2.
My first attempt was pass to check_loop which locations are already on the real path, this requires separating cant_place to a visited and placed arrays.
And since check_loop needs to know which direction the guard was walking, the new visited must track that as well.
The code in part2_pass_visited is mostly the same, and the code under the match in check_loop_pass_visited is:

if (new_location == new_obstacle) || (input[new_location] == b'#') {
    direction = new_direction;
} else {
    location = new_location;
    if outer_visited[location * 4 + direction as usize] {
        return true;
    } else {
        let mut v = visited.get_mut(location * 4 + direction as usize).unwrap();
        if *v {
            return true;
        } else {
            *v = true;
Day6 - Part2/pass_visited time:   [11.945 ms 11.961 ms 11.981 ms]

Faster than before.

Going Multithreaded

For the first time this year, there’s a problem that can benefit from parallelization:
I put each call to check_loop in a rayon work queue, and let it compute in another thread while the main thread is going through the real route.
This parallelization is not applied using the pass_visited version because it would require cloning the entire visited array for each call.

It took me a while to get all the compiler warnings the go away, the only way I managed to compile it was if I turn count and cant_place to references to make them 'static, I’m not sure how to make it compile if that wasn’t an option.

#[aoc(day6, part2, rayon)]
pub fn part2_rayon(input: &[u8]) -> u32 {
    let cant_place: &[AtomicBool; TOTAL_SIZE] = &from_fn(|_| AtomicBool::new(false));
    let count = &AtomicU32::new(0);
    let mut direction = Direction::Up;
    let mut location = input.iter().position(|&c| c == b'^').unwrap();
    let mut visited: BitArr!(for TOTAL_SIZE) = BitArray::ZERO;
    rayon::scope(|s| {
        visited.set(location, true);
        loop {
            let (new_location, new_direction) = match direction {
                Direction::Up => {
                    if location <= WIDTH {
                    (location - WIDTH, Direction::Right)
                Direction::Down => {
                    if location >= TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH {
                    (location + WIDTH, Direction::Left)
                Direction::Left => {
                    if location % WIDTH == 0 {
                    (location - 1, Direction::Up)
                Direction::Right => {
                    if location % WIDTH == WIDTH - 1 {
                    (location + 1, Direction::Down)
            if input[new_location] == b'#' {
                direction = new_direction;
            } else {
                location = new_location;
            visited.set(location, true);
            if let Some(new_obstacle) = match direction {
                Direction::Up if location >= WIDTH => Some(location - WIDTH),
                Direction::Down if location < TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH => Some(location + WIDTH),
                Direction::Left if location % WIDTH != 0 => Some(location - 1),
                Direction::Right if location % WIDTH != WIDTH - 1 => Some(location + 1),
                _ => None,
            } {
                if !visited[new_obstacle] && !cant_place[new_obstacle].load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
                    s.spawn(move |_| {
                        if check_loop(input, location, direction, new_obstacle)
                            && !cant_place[new_obstacle].swap(true, Ordering::Relaxed)
                            count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);

The actual algorithm remained the same.
The time for this solution is:

Day6 - Part2/rayon      time:   [2.5134 ms 2.5265 ms 2.5406 ms]

Final Times

Unlocking the CPU clock I get these final times:

Day6 - Part1/bitvec       time:   [9.9747 µs 9.9896 µs 10.008 µs]
Day6 - Part2/pass_visited time:   [7.9820 ms 7.9941 ms 8.0078 ms]
Day6 - Part2/rayon        time:   [2.0287 ms 2.0373 ms 2.0476 ms]
Up: Advent Of Code 2024
Previous: Day 5 - Print Queue Next: Day 7 - Bridge Repair