Day 6 - Guard Gallivant
Today the goal is tracking a guard that is going on a patrol route and turning right every time he encounters an obstacle, until he is off the grid.
The given input is a map with the location of the guard marked as ^
, obstacles marked as #
and every other location is open and marked with .
Part 1 - Simple Path Tracing
The output for part 1 needs to be the amount of positions he visits(visiting the same position twice doesn’t count).
With a little debugging, I wrote this simple path tracing algorithm:
// real input is 131x130(including line break), example is 11x10
const WIDTH: usize = 131;
// const WIDTH: usize = 11;
const HEIGHT: usize = WIDTH - 1;
const TOTAL_SIZE: usize = WIDTH * HEIGHT;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Direction {
#[aoc(day6, part1, first)]
pub fn part1_first(input: &[u8]) -> u32 {
let mut count = 1u32;
let mut visited = [false; TOTAL_SIZE];
let mut location = input.iter().position(|&c| c == b'^').unwrap();
let mut direction = Direction::Up;
visited[location] = true;
loop {
let (new_location, new_direction) = match direction {
Direction::Up => {
if location <= WIDTH {
return count;
(location - WIDTH, Direction::Right)
Direction::Down => {
if location >= TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH {
return count;
(location + WIDTH, Direction::Left)
Direction::Left => {
if location % WIDTH == 0 {
return count;
(location - 1, Direction::Up)
Direction::Right => {
if location % WIDTH == WIDTH - 1 {
return count;
(location + 1, Direction::Down)
if input[new_location] == b'#' {
direction = new_direction;
} else {
location = new_location;
if !visited[location] {
count += 1;
visited[location] = true;
At each iteration, I’m checking if he is about to go off-grid, if he is return the current count.
Otherwise, there are 2 options: he can either continue in the same direction, changing the position, or turn, changing the direction.
Then I simply handle both cases and make sure to not count the same location twice.
And that’s part 1 done.
Part 2 - Creating Loops
For part 2, the output must be the amount of unique positions an obstacle can be added to in order for the guard to get stuck in a loop.
The simplest solution is to add a temporary obstacle at each step, and check if continuing will enter a loop.
The loop detection looks almost identical to the full part 1 solution with a couple changes:
- Counting visited locations is not needed.
- Going off-grid means there is no loop.
- Going back to a visited location in the same direction means the guard is in a loop.
To track the direction the guard is going, I turned the visited
array to be a u8
array and used a few bitwise operations.
I’m using the last 4 bits of each to store directions: if the 8th bit is up, that location has been visited in the up direction, if the 7th, down, and so on.
To achieve this I put u8
values to the Direction
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Direction {
Up = 1,
Down = 2,
Left = 4,
Right = 8,
So now I can mark a direction as visited using visited[location] |= direction as u8
and check if a direction was visited using visited[location] & direction as u8 != 0
The lines changed from the part 1 solution are marked, new_obstacle
is passed as the temporary obstacle that is being considered:
fn check_loop(
input: &[u8],
mut location: usize,
mut direction: Direction,
new_obstacle: usize,
) -> bool {
let mut visited = [0u8; TOTAL_SIZE];
visited[location] = direction as u8;
loop {
let (new_location, new_direction) = match direction {
Direction::Up => {
if location <= WIDTH {
return false;
(location - WIDTH, Direction::Right)
Direction::Down => {
if location >= TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH {
return false;
(location + WIDTH, Direction::Left)
Direction::Left => {
if location % WIDTH == 0 {
return false;
(location - 1, Direction::Up)
Direction::Right => {
if location % WIDTH == WIDTH - 1 {
return false;
(location + 1, Direction::Down)
if (new_location == new_obstacle) || (input[new_location] == b'#') {
direction = new_direction;
} else if (visited[new_location] & (direction as u8)) != 0 {
return true;
} else {
location = new_location;
visited[location] |= direction as u8;
Part 2 is also fairly similar to part 1, but I had a couple mistakes that made me stare at the code for a while.
Since it worked on the example and not the real input, it was very hard to debug.
I even considered the cases where an obstacle can create a loop from multiple directions, but should only count once.
So here’s a challenge to the reader, find the 2 logic bugs in this code(assume check_loop
works correctly, which it does):
#[aoc(day6, part2, first)]
pub fn part2_first(input: &[u8]) -> u32 {
let mut possible_obstacles = [false; TOTAL_SIZE];
let mut count = 0u32;
let mut location = input.iter().position(|&c| c == b'^').unwrap();
let mut direction = Direction::Up;
loop {
// the guard will either continue to new_location, or turn to new_direction
let (new_location, new_direction) = match direction {
Direction::Up => {
if location <= WIDTH {
return count;
(location - WIDTH, Direction::Right)
Direction::Down => {
if location >= TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH {
return count;
(location + WIDTH, Direction::Left)
Direction::Left => {
if location % WIDTH == 0 {
return count;
(location - 1, Direction::Up)
Direction::Right => {
if location % WIDTH == WIDTH - 1 {
return count;
(location + 1, Direction::Down)
if input[new_location] == b'#' {
direction = new_direction;
} else {
location = new_location;
if let Some(new_obstacle) = match direction {
Direction::Up if location >= WIDTH => Some(location - WIDTH),
Direction::Down if location < TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH => Some(location + WIDTH),
Direction::Left if location % WIDTH != 0 => Some(location - 1),
Direction::Right if location % WIDTH != WIDTH - 1 => Some(location + 1),
_ => None,
} {
if !possible_obstacles[new_obstacle]
&& check_loop(input, location, direction, new_obstacle)
possible_obstacles[new_obstacle] = true;
count += 1;
Do not scroll further if you want to find them yourself.
After a while of staring mostly at the loop detection code(which had no bugs), I finally found the 2 mistakes:
- If a guard is about to cross a path he had already walked, the position ahead of him is checked and may return that a loop is created, but if an obstacle was added there, he would have never gotten to this position in the first place - an obstacle is added before he starts walking.
To solve this I tagged locations he visited in the same array the found obstacles are marked(so I renamed it tocant_place
). - An obstacle may be placed immediately after a turn, and I’m only checking after a location change.
To solve this I simply need to check for a loop regardless of the action the guard took.
So the new section under the match
statement looks like this:
if input[new_location] == b'#' {
direction = new_direction;
} else {
location = new_location;
cant_place[location] = true;
if let Some(new_obstacle) = match direction {
Direction::Up if location >= WIDTH => Some(location - WIDTH),
Direction::Down if location < TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH => Some(location + WIDTH),
Direction::Left if location % WIDTH != 0 => Some(location - 1),
Direction::Right if location % WIDTH != WIDTH - 1 => Some(location + 1),
_ => None,
} {
if !cant_place[new_obstacle] && check_loop(input, location, direction, new_obstacle) {
cant_place[new_obstacle] = true;
count += 1;
And this finally solves part 2.
Once again I’ll benchmark using the CPU clock locked to the base 2.6Ghz
The initial times are:
Day6 - Part1/first time: [16.628 µs 16.670 µs 16.720 µs]
Day6 - Part2/first time: [13.697 ms 13.714 ms 13.734 ms]
My first attempt was using a BitArr
(from the bitvec
crate) for the visited
array, since an array of bool
s tends to be inefficient.
The only code changes required were the construction of visited
, and using set
or get_mut
to modify it, instead of normal indexing.
Day6 - Part1/bitvec time: [16.045 µs 16.223 µs 16.511 µs]
Day6 - Part2/bitvec time: [13.717 ms 13.771 ms 13.829 ms]
Slightly faster for 1, no change in 2.
I don’t have any other ideas for part 1 so I’ll focus on part 2.
My first attempt was pass to check_loop
which locations are already on the real path, this requires separating cant_place
to a visited
and placed
And since check_loop
needs to know which direction the guard was walking, the new visited
must track that as well.
The code in part2_pass_visited
is mostly the same, and the code under the match in check_loop_pass_visited
if (new_location == new_obstacle) || (input[new_location] == b'#') {
direction = new_direction;
} else {
location = new_location;
if outer_visited[location * 4 + direction as usize] {
return true;
} else {
let mut v = visited.get_mut(location * 4 + direction as usize).unwrap();
if *v {
return true;
} else {
*v = true;
Day6 - Part2/pass_visited time: [11.945 ms 11.961 ms 11.981 ms]
Faster than before.
Going Multithreaded
For the first time this year, there’s a problem that can benefit from parallelization:
I put each call to check_loop
in a rayon
work queue, and let it compute in another thread while the main thread is going through the real route.
This parallelization is not applied using the pass_visited
version because it would require cloning the entire visited
array for each call.
It took me a while to get all the compiler warnings the go away, the only way I managed to compile it was if I turn count
and cant_place
to references to make them 'static
, I’m not sure how to make it compile if that wasn’t an option.
#[aoc(day6, part2, rayon)]
pub fn part2_rayon(input: &[u8]) -> u32 {
let cant_place: &[AtomicBool; TOTAL_SIZE] = &from_fn(|_| AtomicBool::new(false));
let count = &AtomicU32::new(0);
let mut direction = Direction::Up;
let mut location = input.iter().position(|&c| c == b'^').unwrap();
let mut visited: BitArr!(for TOTAL_SIZE) = BitArray::ZERO;
rayon::scope(|s| {
visited.set(location, true);
loop {
let (new_location, new_direction) = match direction {
Direction::Up => {
if location <= WIDTH {
(location - WIDTH, Direction::Right)
Direction::Down => {
if location >= TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH {
(location + WIDTH, Direction::Left)
Direction::Left => {
if location % WIDTH == 0 {
(location - 1, Direction::Up)
Direction::Right => {
if location % WIDTH == WIDTH - 1 {
(location + 1, Direction::Down)
if input[new_location] == b'#' {
direction = new_direction;
} else {
location = new_location;
visited.set(location, true);
if let Some(new_obstacle) = match direction {
Direction::Up if location >= WIDTH => Some(location - WIDTH),
Direction::Down if location < TOTAL_SIZE - WIDTH => Some(location + WIDTH),
Direction::Left if location % WIDTH != 0 => Some(location - 1),
Direction::Right if location % WIDTH != WIDTH - 1 => Some(location + 1),
_ => None,
} {
if !visited[new_obstacle] && !cant_place[new_obstacle].load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
s.spawn(move |_| {
if check_loop(input, location, direction, new_obstacle)
&& !cant_place[new_obstacle].swap(true, Ordering::Relaxed)
count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
The actual algorithm remained the same.
The time for this solution is:
Day6 - Part2/rayon time: [2.5134 ms 2.5265 ms 2.5406 ms]
Final Times
Unlocking the CPU clock I get these final times:
Day6 - Part1/bitvec time: [9.9747 µs 9.9896 µs 10.008 µs]
Day6 - Part2/pass_visited time: [7.9820 ms 7.9941 ms 8.0078 ms]
Day6 - Part2/rayon time: [2.0287 ms 2.0373 ms 2.0476 ms]